Prince signed 1984 85 purple rain backstage pass

A backstage pass to a 1984-85 Purple Rain concert tour, signed by Prince.

Remember concerts?

I think my nostalgia for doing normal things is getting to me.  I recently wrote this article for WorthPoint about backstage passes and their value.

Click HERE to read the article.

Despite bemoaning late concert starts, the lack of hygiene of fellow concert goers, as well as their invasion of my personal space, I miss live music.  I miss smelly bars, the occasional celebrity siting, and feeling the music hit you bodily.

If you are feeling nostalgic too, go through those old scrapbooks, or box full of concert tickets and see if you have any tickets or backstage passes to share.  Post them on our Facebook page:

And, as always, if Mahn Miller Collective, Inc. can help you with an appraisal, valuation, or auction consultation, contact us HERE

For those who are anxious to rock, we salute you. Please remember to invite us backstage once we are out in the world again.


The Value of Profanity


Megan Mahn Miller Featured In Auctioneers Magazine