Back detail Marilyn Monroe dress 2016

I’ve decided to join the fray (sorry, I couldn’t help myself).

Many people have shared their thoughts on the Monroe dress incident. I wouldn’t join the fabric of the conversation (gosh, I will try to stop) if I didn’t have a different opinion to share and support to give.

So here are my two observations.

#1 Once something is purchased the owner may do whatever they want with an object. We have witnessed this with NFTs where you may destroy the original and only own the digital. The owners decision may be a bad one, but it is theirs to make.

#2 Don’t lie about your bad decisions.

My photographs are not as nice as Scott Fortner’s. You should absolutely take a look at his wonderful investigative work and his beautiful Marilyn Monroe Collection.

I had the great pleasure to work on the Julien’s Auctions sale of this Jean Louis gown. Here are some photographs from the catalog description.

Details from the Julien's Auctions website of the Marilyn Monroe dress

The dress was originally sold by Christie’s in 1999 and was then put on a conservator mannequin. When we cataloged the dress we did not remove it from the mannequin.

The storied gown now has a new tale to tell. I wish we could ask Marilyn what she thinks.


Appraisal Service in San Diego this July